Hi, my name is Karen and I am a mother of four, a wife, a teacher, sister, daughter and a friend and like so many women, I lead a very busy life. For years I have felt periods of depression, anxiety and worry. For several years I sought help from a therapist and took medication to help deal with the issues.
Through therapy I have learned a lot about my anxiety roots but have never quite been able to rid myself from the feelings of fear and worry. I recently sought the services of Alexandra Meissner Bley a hypnotherapists to try to deal with the issues. From the very first session I felt more relaxed and more aware of where and why I was feeling anxious and depressed. I have had several sessions with Alexandra and working with her has been a life altering experience. I was finally able to let go of so many things that were bothering me. I now feel that I can face daily challenges with a clear mind. For years I struggled silently and finally decided to take care of myself. Seeking the help of Alexandra was the best thing I have done for myself.